Intro to Kicking

Learn the basics of how to kick
Tactical Kicking

Learn to kick with purpose
Two Rail Kicking

Learn to kick off two cushions
Three Rail Kicking

Learn to kick off three cushions
With the advent of jump cues, kicking, which is hitting a cushion with the cue ball before it hits the object ball, doesn’t always get as much attention as it deserves from amateur players. Kicking is still a huge part of the defensive arsenal and makes it possible to turn the tables on your opponent, get out of sticky situations, and ultimately win games.
The better a player gets at kicking the more a kicks changes from blind swinging at the cue ball hoping for a hit, to strategic kicking aiming to hit a particular piece of the object ball resulting in an optimal outcome.
Learn the basics of how to kick
Learn to kick with purpose
Learn to kick off two cushions
Learn to kick off three cushions