The break shot, while at face value in regular play would be relatively difficult it’s actually rather easy to get the hang of.
The reason the break is easy to get used to is because it’s the same every time you play it. That means once you learn how to play the shot, all the variables will be the same. The table and cloth will be different, sure, but those are minor adjustments everyone has to make.
Having the break is a huge advantage because it gives you an easy point. With scoring difficult as isin 3 cushion getting the first point gives you a pretty good leg up on your competitor. Additionally, if you hit the break correctly you can make it so your next shot is relatively easy as well which could end up as another point in your favor.
Set Up
To set up the break for 3 cushion, there should be four spots that are marked within the cloth of the table. One on the foot spot, one on the head spot and two right next to the head spot. The red ball is placed on the foot spot of the table. The cue ball of whoever isn’t breaking is placed on the head spot. And the cue ball of the breaking player can be placed on either spot next to the head spot. This is the breaking players choice based on their preference. There’s not advantage to breaking from either side, so it’s 100% personal.

How to Hit the Break
The standard 3 cushion shot for the break is to aim to hit between 1/3 and ½ of the far side of the red ball. With high inside English the cue ball will spin 3 rails into the second object ball.
The top spin is necessary because it helps get a steeper angle going into the corner without needed a precise, thin cut on the red. The tough part of this shot is regulating how much inside spin you should use after cutting the red ball. This is worth practicing and shouldn’t take long to become consistent.

Ideal result
There’s more than one goal you should have when hitting the break for 3 cushion. Of course, you want to make a point, but you want to make your next shot as easy as possible so there’s a couple other considerations. Here are the main three ideal outcomes for the break:
- Making a point
- Make all the balls end closely together
- Keep one of the balls close to the corner
The first goal is obvious and doesn’t need explanation. The second and third are less obvious though. The entire point of 3 cushion is to get as many points as you can. Some shots are easier than others so if you can create a situation that makes it easier to make another point, you should. Shots where the balls are closer together or near a corner are much easier to make than otherwise. And given the high degree of control you have over the break, because it’s the same every time, these are objectives to strive for.
To change the outcome of the shot, you can change the speed you hit the shot and how much you cut the red ball. Ideally you want to cut the red so it hits 3 cushions and ends up at the opposite end of the table where the other two balls are if you make a point.
By cutting the red ball so it hits the short rail, long rail, and then short rail, you’re using the cushions to slow the red ball down so it stops closer to the other balls. If you play the shot well, you should end up with a layout similar to this:

The balls are all close together and the yellow is very close to the corner. From here there’s a lot of options and your odds of making another point after the break are good.